Uppercase & Lowercase

Uppercase & Lowercase is a simple and functional web application with which you can easily convert or change from UPPERCASE to lowercase by simply entering the phrase or text to convert selecting from options.

As general rule we use capitals letters for the first letter of proper names such as people, places, toponyms, institutions, when we name religions, eras or key moments of history, cultures and civilizations, festivities of all kinds, trademarks, titles, artistic works or collections among others. It is also important to remember the grammatical norm that indicates that at the beginning of a sentence or after a period should be capitalized. Another useful use is the use of capital letters for acronyms in general.

With this web site it is about solving in a very simple way for all and online the need to change from uppercase to lowercase or change from lowercase to uppercase in a few seconds. Four possibilities are proposed after introducing a phrase or text before converting them:

  • Capital after period: Converts to capitals just after period or at the beginning of the paragraph
  • All lowercase: Converts all text characters to lowercase
  • All uppercase: Converts all text characters to uppercase
  • Capitalize text: converts the first letter of each word to capital

Uppercase and lowercase is a simple way to convert or shift from uppercase to lowercase or viceversa in a matter of seconds.
